• ISPI Accreditation


    Based on our 10 Standards of Performance Improvement and a rigorous code of ethics, our accreditation process gives your organization an objective and quantifiable means of proving the quality and effectiveness of its products, programs, and services. Accreditation creates positive association with our respected name, demonstrates awareness and acknowledgment of your commitment to performance, and provides you with constructive, actionable feedback through the review process.

    Organizations may seek accreditation of:

    • Departments or functions charged with improving performance of employees, suppliers, aftermarket partners, customers, and other stakeholders
    • Programs designed to improve or build capacity and capability
    • College or university educational programs in performance improvement, training, and human resources

    Get Started with your Program Accreditation?

    What May Be Accredited?

    Organizations may seek accreditation for the following:

    • Departments or functions within organizations whose charge includes improving the performance of employees, suppliers, aftermarket partners, customers, and other stakeholders.
    • Programs designed to improve or build capacity and capability.
    • Compliance-driven courses or series of courses that demonstrate compliance with regulations set by regulatory bodies. Such courses measure the acquisition of knowledge and skills. They may measure the degree behaviors on the job are in compliance upon completion of the course and the degree participation and completions correlate with business goals/metrics.
    • College or university educational programs in performance improvement, training, and human resources.
      Vendor performance improvement programs, including training.

    What Are the Benefits?

    Those who seek accreditation can enjoy a number of benefits from an independent, unbiased review including the following:

    • Positive association with ISPI, a trusted leader in performance improvement and workplace productivity since 1962.
    • Becoming known for your organization's dedication to proven methods and ethical practices.
    • Acknowledgement by peers and/or experts of the quality and effectiveness of an organization, department, program, or course.
    • Constructive and actionable feedback inherent in the accreditation review process.
      Independent confirmation that an organization, department, program or course meets professional standards.

    For More Information

  • Department/Function/Organization

  • Programs / Courses

  • FAQs

  • Apply for Accreditation

    Accreditation Application Process

    • Prepare a description of your organization, program, course, or service in a way that demonstrates each of the standards, and submit it along with the complete application and fee to ISPI. Applications may be submitted in Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish.
    • Your application will be reviewed by trained CPT reviewers.
    • Applicants may be interviewed or have a site visit.
    • If any deficiencies are found, applicants will have a chance to address them.
    • When your application is approved, you will be allowed to identify your organization, program or course with the ISPI Seal of Accreditation. Your accreditation will also be listed on ISPI's website.
    • You will also be mailed a certificate and contacted to find out how best publicize your achievement.
    • Applications are accepted year-round.
    • Accredited organizations commit to reaccreditation every seven years; accredited programs/courses undergo reaccreditation every five years.
    • Membership in ISPI is encouraged but not required. Members receive discounted rates on fees.


    Download the application and instructions (below) based on the category of accreditation you are seeking. The cost is determined based on the size and profit status of the organization and the size of the program(s) or course(s) being accredited as well as the nature of the review conducted. The cost for interviews and on-site visits are additional to the cost for accreditation. Currently the fee structure for accreditation begins at $3,500.

    For More Information

    If you have any questions, or want to know about the fee structure, please Contact Us.