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    Performance Improvement is an acclaimed Journal geared toward practitioners of performance technology in the workplace.


    Learn from hands-on experiences with models, interventions, "how-to" guides, and ready-to-use job aids, as well as research articles. Performance Improvement also offers updates on trends, reviews, and field viewpoints. The journal deals with all types of interventions and all phases of the HPT process. The common theme is performance improvement practice or technique that is supported by research or germane theory.


    Please join ISPI to read the current Performance Improvement Journal and access a library of 3,000+ high-quality articles.

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    How to access the latest Performance Improvement issue:


    1. Start by clicking on the Performance Improvement Journal Website
    2. Once in this site, click on on the link ISPI website which is located just below the main banner:
      "To access the journal, use your member login credentials on the ISPI website and return here"
    3. In the ISPI PIJ MEMBER page, click on Please click here to return to the latest issues of ISPI Performance Improvement Journal
    4. Click on View the issue, then View an article to test your access rights.

    PIJ Topics of Interest


    A list of possible topics to get your creativity flowing and to spark inspiration:
    Business | Change | Organizational design | Technical training | Instructional systems design and architecture | Sustainability and measuring results | HPT (and the difference from one culture to others) | CPT | Training and development; web based training and development | Compliance | Regulatory | Legal | Web 2.0 | Social media | Compliance.



    PIJ Author Guidelines & Submissions


    If you are interested in submitting an article to Performance Improvement journal, please download our Author Guidelines or go to our General Call for Paper.


    Suggested Topics
    In issues of Performance Improvement Journal (PIJ), you’ll find:

    • Hands-on experiences with models, interventions, and other job aids that can be applied in a wide range of organizational settings.
    • Research articles in the fields of performance, management, leadership, and learning.
    • Reflections and insights on the special challenges faced by those working to improve individual and organizational performance.
    • Reviews of the latest books and vital resources

    Content Areas
    PIJ editors encourage submissions under the following topics:

    • Foundations of human performance technology
    • The performance technology process
    • Performance improvement interventions
    • Performance measurement and assessment
    • Evidence-based practices in performance technology
    • Applied and action research methods and their use in performance technology
    • Performance technology in action including case presentations
    • Looking forward: Performance technology trends and issues


    Submission Process
    The journal is published multiple times per year. Submissions should be well-organized and written following the style guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Articles should be free of common grammatical and citation errors, as well as colloquialisms or jargon. Although there is no fixed length, average articles are approximately 3,500 to 4,500 words. Special features may be longer; book and software reviews should be around 1,500 words. If you wish to submit a longer manuscript, discuss it with the editor prior to submission.


    You may reach the Editor via email at info@ispi.org.