• General Call for Papers PIJ

    Performance Improvement  (PI) is a publication of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). Founded in 1962, ISPI is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI and its members use evidence-based performance improvement research and practices to effect sustainable, measurable results and add value to stakeholders in the private, public, and social sectors.


    Performance Improvement  is committed to presenting multiple voices and multiple perspectives related to the practice of human performance technology (HPT). Geared towards practitioners of performance technology in the workplace, the journal strives to provide specific guidelines on performance technology applications, trends, and issues to help readers expand and understand the scope of HPT.


    PI  is currently accepting new articles and welcomes manuscripts in a variety of formats such as white papers or essays, practitioner viewpoints, case studies, procedural and process frameworks and how to guides, ready-to-use job aids and assessment tools and guidelines for carrying out applied and action research methodologies. Also of interest to PI readers are updates on HPT trends, reviews of new and relevant books, and summaries of the contributions from major thinkers and doers within HTP and related fields. The main emphasis of the journal is on the practical implications of the experiences and viewpoints of performance technologists and the applicability of theories or concepts that are presented. 

  • Content Areas

    PI editors encourage submissions under the following topics:

    • Foundations of human performance technology
    • The performance technology process
    • Performance improvement interventions
    • Performance measurement and assessment
    • Evidence based practices in performance technology
    • Applied and action research methods and their use in performance technology
    • Performance technology in action including case presentations
    • Looking forward: Performance technology trends and issues

    Submission Process

    The journal is published 10 times a year. Submissions should be well-organized and written following the style guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).Articles should be free of common grammatical and citation errors, as well as colloquialisms or jargon. Although there is no fixed length, average articles are approximately 3,500 to 4,500 words. Special features may be longer; book and software reviews should be around 1,500 words. If you wish to submit a longer manuscript, discuss it with the editor prior to submission.

    Performance Improvement is committed to presenting multiplevoices and multiple perspectives related to the practice of human performance
    technology (HPT):

    • Geared towards practitioners of performance technology in the workplace, the journal strives to provide specific guidelines on performance technology applications, trends, and issues to help readers expand and understand the scope of HPT.
    • PI is currently accepting new articles and welcomes manuscripts in a variety of formats such as white papers or essays, practitioner viewpoints, case studies, procedural and process frameworks and how to guides, ready-to-use job aids and assessment tools and guidelines for carrying out applied and action research methodologies.
    • Also of interest to PI readers are updates on HPT trends, reviews of new and relevant books, and summaries of the contributions from major thinkers and doers within HTP and related fields.
    • The main emphasis of the journal is on the practical implications of the experiences and viewpoints of performance technologists and the applicability of theories or concepts that are presented.